92% of Pledged Employers say that since signing the Employer Pledge, staff have increased awareness of mental health and know how to access support in the workplace

Survey findings show the effectiveness of the Time to Change Wales Employer Pledge initiative

3rd July 2023, 5.00pm | Written by: Time to Change Wales

Survey findings show the effectiveness of the Time to Change Wales Employer Pledge initiative in supporting employers to tackle mental health stigma at work.

Based on the survey results, it is encouraging to see that the majority of Pledged Employers provide clear guidance to employees on what they should do if they are struggling with their mental health, and proactively encouraging staff to disclose their mental health problems as a way of normalising conversations around mental health.

Time to Change Wales Pledged Organisations are businesses that have made a public declaration that they will step up and tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in their workplace within a framework of six core principles.

The majority (92%) of Pledged Employers agreed that, since signing the pledge, staff have increased awareness of mental health and how to access support within the workplace and 85% agreed that line managers feel more equipped to support staff with mental health difficulties. 

Almost all organisations (99%) said that they were encouraging open conversations about mental health and the support available when employees are struggling. Employee mental health and wellbeing is routinely monitored (95%) and nearly all had implemented the Time to Change Wales Action Plan (92%).

A high proportion (92%) of Pledged Employers indicated that they have held regular events around mental health. This shows that more employers are normalising the conversation on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace since signing the pledge and by supporting mental health awareness days.

84% of organisations had also provided line managers with training on how to manage staff experiencing mental health difficulties. Over three-quarters have introduced Wellness Action Plans for staff (77%). A Wellness Action Plan is an easy and practical tool to support you and your team’s mental health at work.

The survey has also revealed that the Time to Change Wales campaign has made a positive impact on Employee Champions' confidence and their ability to promote mental wellbeing in the workplace. Employee Champions are individuals who have been trained to raise awareness of mental health and promote positive conversations in their workplace. An Employee Champion role is to help implement and deliver the Pledged Organisation’s Action Plan through raising awareness of wellbeing activities across the business and promoting healthy lifestyles and positive mental health.

Employee Champions reported increased confidence in various areas such as speaking up about mental health through workplace social media, seeking help for themselves or others with mental health issues, and finding/maintaining volunteering roles. They have also reported that their involvement in the campaign had positive effects with managers feeling more equipped to support staff with mental health difficulties, staff having increased awareness of mental health and how to access support within the workplace. 

Rachelle Bright, Community and Employer Lead for Time to Change Wales said: “It is truly such a joy to be able to work with dedicated Pledged Organisations who work so tirelessly to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in workplaces across Wales. 

I am really pleased to work with Pledged Employers in creating mental health anti-stigma action plans and witnessing Employee Champions play such an important role in implementing those actions to build a more supportive workplace culture.”

If you are interested in becoming a Pledged Employer, please click here where you will find out more information and instructions on how to apply. 

You can also click here to view the full evaluation report. 


Time to Change Wales commissioned Strategic Research and Insight to conduct an evaluation survey with its Community Champions and Pledged Employers. A mixed methodology was adopted using online and telephone booster surveys. A total of 164 Community Champions and Pledged Employers were interviewed between December 2022 and February 2023.  

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