
Cameras rolling in Llanelli

Do you live near Llanelli? Do you have experience of living with mental health problems? Would you be interested in talking about your experiences in a documentary film? If so, read on!

28th May 2014, 3.49pm | Written by: Time to Change Wales

Do you live near Llanelli? Do you have experience of living with mental health problems? Would you be interested in talking about your experiences in a documentary film? If so, read on!


Changing Faces is a Time to Change Wales funded project in Llanelli, which will produce a number of filmed interviews with local people talking about how mental health problems have impacted upon their lives – and they’re looking for volunteers to take part!

The project is led by Jonathan and Mark, both of whom have first hand experience of living with a mental health problem. 
Jonathan said:
“I started the project because I suffer from mental health problems and over the last few years thought I was the only one who suffered. 
We’d like to get people talking openly about mental health issues and change people’s perceptions. 
As someone who suffers from metal health problems, it’s a chance for me to show everyone that I am capable of doing things, and hopefully it will encourage others to stand up and start getting their lives back.”
From Mark
“I'd like the project to focus on the positivity of people with Mental Health Issues and show that they can take a full and active part in everyday life and whilst they may have challenges that other people do not have they are still worthwhile contributors to any venture and should not be written off just because they are honest enough to admit that they suffer from a Mental Health Issue.  
It's important to me personally as I've suffered from Depression for as long as I can earnestly remember”
If you’d like to know more about these films or if you would be interested in taking part, please email us

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