Organisational Pledge

Case study: adapting during COVID-19

Sharon Lewis, HR Manager of TALIS-UK Ltd, discusses how they have been continuing to support and promote wellbeing in the workplace, particularly through communication.

5th May 2020, 4.53pm | Written by: Sharon

"Employee involvement is the key to improving overall wellbeing and I believe we have made a huge impact by committing to joining this fantastic movement with Time to Change Wales."


Why we signed the Time to Change pledge- UK and Wales

TALIS are committed to caring and supporting our employees’ wellbeing which is why we signed the Time to Change Wales pledge. Our aim is to reduce stigma around the topic of Mental Health and raise awareness throughout the workplace to encourage employees to be open about how they feel so we can offer the correct support to help them feel their best.

How we promoted mental health awareness

Our aim to embed Mental Health Awareness throughout the business was achieved by holding learning and development days such as Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health for Line Managers.

In addition, our fourteen mental health first aiders (MHFA) and champions plan and hold Time to Talk days in line with the activity packs received from Time to Change throughout the year.  We cover various Mental Health topics and also use activities such as mindfulness, aikido, adult colouring, walk and talk, tea and talk as well as personal blogs on mental health issues that have impacted our champions personally.

A Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy was created and implemented to give clarity to the support TALIS can offer its employees.  Posters showing photographs of our Mental Health First Aiders were created and displayed around site to make it easier for people to access help when they need to talk.

Lastly we have installed a TV screen within the canteen area where regular communication is shared on any topics or news.

How this helps the workplace

Employees are now openly reporting mental health issues as an absence type, resulting in us offering the correct support, guidance and preventative measures.

There has been a big improvement in how comfortable employees are in talking to colleagues and managers when they are not feeling their best. Once you chat something through with someone you feel a weight lifted. I think from sharing our own personal experiences with another can be such a help if they are struggling with a similar situation. This really helps reduce mental health issues and absence levels.

Employees are well informed and know all the internal and external support mechanisms to reach out to specific charities, Employee Assistance Package, MHFA’s etc.

Managers are equipped to spot the signs of someone in their team in need of support and can signpost early. Our MHFA team are actively working amongst their colleagues and being proactive in holding conversations with individuals they have concerns for which has resulted in them getting help in times of struggle. They are also amazing at challenging anyone showing a negative attitude towards mental health.  Their aim is to understand why the individual feels this way or has a negative opinion so they can discuss this in detail and share new knowledge on the topic whilst working in line with our company values- Will to Win, Results, Teamwork, Accountability and Respect.

During this time of COVID-19, the workforce has adapted to working in different ways such as social distancing within the factory and working from home where possible for the office staff.  To continue to support and promote wellbeing we send regular weekly communications covering various topics e.g. COVID guidance to stay safe; what can help your mental health and wellbeing which covered topics such as sleeping, connecting with people, structuring your day, hobbies, being active physically and managing media and information.  All this information is from a variety of sources such as the charity MIND and NHS.  The communication gets sent out by email and uploaded to the canteen screen so all employees know where they can access the most up to date communication.

Employee involvement is the key to improving overall wellbeing and I believe we have made a huge impact by committing to joining this fantastic movement with Time to Change Wales.

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