Champion Training for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities

In November, we were very excited to deliver a Time to Change Wales Champion training session, with the help of our partner EYST and to welcome some brilliant new Champions to our campaign.

6th December 2021, 1.00pm | Written by: Community Engagement Team

“I attended the Time to Change Wales champion training and thoroughly enjoyed it; I was so pleased that TtCW recognised how different cultures and communities perceive mental health and recognise the fact that some communities do see it as spiritual concern rather than a mental health one. After hearing and knowing of lots of stories and experiencing this in my very own community I just felt that TtCW had got this spot on! I have been in different training sessions and each time I have tried to explain certain cultural/ religious issues I don’t feel that I have been understood, but for Rach and Ceri to talk about this in the training – I was so pleased!!! Thank you!!” Twahide

We spent a great couple of mornings together, learning about the campaign, our key messages and the role of a Champion, taking part in interactive quizzes, having some open and honest conversations about the different ways in which mental health stigma and discrimination can be experienced and sharing some of our own personal experiences too. 

Champions and people with lived experience are at the heart of the Time to Change Wales campaign and as part of the training, we looked at how Champions can help tackle stigma through a variety of methods to encourage more open discussions about mental health and the huge positive difference that this can make to people. We discussed how to write a blog for our website, using our campaign materials, starting conversations about mental health and more! There is something for everyone, and each activity from sharing information on social media to writing a blog, to delivering a presentation or chatting to a friend about mental health, has the power to make a huge difference. 

During the training, we also heard from one of our current Champions, Mark, who shared his lived experience with us, along with some of his experiences of being an active Champion. 

At Time to Change Wales, we want to improve knowledge and understanding around mental illness and, most importantly of all, get people talking about mental health. We know that by sharing life stories by those that live with mental health problems can lead to transformational change in attitudes and a reduction in mental health stigma and discrimination.

Please help us promote our Champions training. We particularly welcome applications from individuals who identify with the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. Our next training session is due to take place on Thursday 20th January 2022, 9.30am – 3pm (with a one-hour lunch break), on Zoom. Find out more about what is involved on our website here: Become a Champion | Time to Change Wales or email

Champion Training Image.jpg

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