Third Sector Cymru Awards

Time to Change Wales runners up at Third Sector Cymru Awards

24th January 2014, 3.03pm | Written by: Time to Change Wales

Time to Change Wales (TTCW) was awarded runner up in the Class award for Best Communications at the Third Sector Cymru Awards, organised by the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) in Cardiff last night.

TTCW team members and Champions – people with experience of mental health problems who campaign in their own communities to end mental health stigma – were present to watch Programme Manager Ant Metcalfe collect the award.

A number of Champions featured in TTCW’s most recent advertising campaign, taking part in photoshoots for billboard posters and interviews for online videos showing that a few small words like ‘how are you?’ can make a big difference and that you can be extraordinary just by being a friend.

TTCW Programme Manager Ant Metcalfe said:

“Communicating with the public and starting conversations about mental health is central to the campaign, so it is fantastic to be given this recognition and we feel very proud of our achievement. We’re grateful to the WCVA and everyone involved in the Third Sector Cymru Awards.

Sharing the stories and experiences of people who live with mental health problems is essential to removing the taboo around mental illness and get people talking about mental health, so I pay tribute to Time to Change Wales Champions, volunteers who are at the heart of the campaign and contribute to our communications in so many ways.”

Time to Change Wales Champion Kate Macnamara, who was at the awards ceremony, said:

“It was fab to be a part of such a great event and to see how far we've come since doing the campaign. I can't wait to see how much more we can spread awareness over the next year and I'm looking forward to starting on some new projects, hopefully within my own workplace which will be amazing!”

Dai Sharkey, who is a Time to Change Wales Champion, said:

"It was a wonderful evening of celebration in a lovely setting gathering participants together in recognition of the hard work that has been put in.
The fact that TTCW, and thus all the champions and contributors had been nominated for the award is real tangible proof of the campaign as a whole is having a lasting effect in our society in which we are calling for change.
The award will undoubtedly encourage everyone who has participated over the last 2 years in showing that the effort made is having the impact that we all wish it to have and hopefully will go on to receive mare accolades for it too."

See photos from the event at our Flickr page

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