Time to Change Wales 2024 Evaluation Survey: Champions and Pledged Employers Report Positive Changes in Reducing Mental Health Stigma

14th November 2024, 12.00pm | Written by: Time to Change Wales

A recent study evaluating the impact of the Time to Change Wales programme reveals positive feedback from our network of Champions and Pledged Employers, highlighting the campaign’s success in reducing mental health stigma, empowering Champions, and fostering more positive workplace cultures across Wales. As a follow-up to the 2023 survey, this evaluation provides fresh insights into the programme’s impact over the past year.

An Empowered Network of Champions

The survey highlights the personal development and individual impact experienced by Champions. Over half (54%) of the Champions surveyed have been part of the campaign for over three years, reflecting a strong commitment to reducing mental health stigma in their communities.

Key findings among Champions include:

  • Personal Impact: 90% of Champions view the programme positively, citing a significant impact on their personal lives.
  • Confidence Boost: 67% report increased self-confidence since joining the campaign, which has translated into transformative personal and social milestones.
  • Empowerment in Advocacy: 63% report feeling empowered to discuss mental health and seek mental health support more openly. Many indicated heightened confidence in speaking up for mental health advocacy, with:
    • 98% feel confident in “speaking up for others’ rights”
    • 90% feel empowered in ‘speaking up for your own rights’
    • 90% able to “speak more openly about their own mental health”
    • 82% comfortable with “saying no or standing up to unfair treatment”
    • 76% feel prepared to “speak up about mental health online and on social media”

One of the Champions surveyed said, “Because of where I was in my life at the time, Time to Change Wales came into it, it's changed my life and given me the confidence to be more myself”.

These boosts in confidence have empowered Champions to overcome personal challenges that once felt daunting – from returning to full-time employment to engaging in public speaking and actively supporting others on their mental health journeys.

Employers Leading Change to Reduce Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

The Time to Change Wales pledge has also had a notable influence on workplace environments in Wales, fostering cultures of openness and support around mental health. Among surveyed Pledged Employers, 83% rated the campaign as having a positive impact on their organisation. Further insights include:

  • Encouraging Conversations: 95% of Pledged Employers report holding regular discussions on mental health, incorporating initiatives like mental health awareness days and daily check-ins.
  • Increased Support from Line Managers: 93% of line managers now feel more equipped to support staff with mental health difficulties.
  • Safe Sharing Environment: 86% of pledged employees report feeling safe in sharing their mental health difficulties without fear of judgment or repercussions.

One of the Pledged Employers shared their approach stating, “We have trained all our managers in mental health awareness and have created a culture where staff feel comfortable talking about their mental health in the workplace and with managers. We offer a range of support options to staff who disclose they are struggling with mental health. We also have an EAP which all staff can access in confidence.”

Both Champions and Pledged Employers demonstrate how the Time to Change Wales programme is helping to foster supportive, stigma-free environments within communities and workplaces throughout Wales.

Lowri Wyn Jones, Programme Manager for Time to Change Wales said: “The findings from the 2024 evaluation survey are encouraging and show the significant journey our Champions and Employers have been on in tackling stigma across Wales.  Their commitment to this cause has been instrumental in creating a culture of openness when it comes to discussing mental health and shifting the negative attitudes surrounding it.

It’s heartening to see that both Champions and Employers have witnessed positive change as a result of their involvement with the programme. Time to Change Wales remains dedicated to its mission of further reducing mental health stigma in Wales, ensuring that everyone feels safe and supported when opening up about their mental health.”

Survey Methodology

Building on the initial benchmarking survey carried out in 2022-23, Strategic Research Insight (SRI) conducted the fieldwork during July and August 2024 using follow-up reminders to increase response rates from Champions and Employers. In total, 177 completed surveys were collected from both audiences, utilising a combination of online and telephone methods.

To read the full report, click here.

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