Time to Change Wales and S4C announce a partnership to challenge mental health stigma

Time to Change Wales and S4C are pleased to announce a partnership which will culminate in a mental health awareness week, 12 - 18 May.

9th May 2014, 12.22pm

Time to Change Wales and S4C are pleased to announce a partnership which will culminate in a mental health awareness week, 12 - 18 May.

The week aims to encourage people to talk about mental health, and raise awareness of mental illness, a subject which continues to be a taboo in Wales.

S4C will be broadcasting a number of programmes discussing mental health during the week, including the documentary Cysgod Rhyfel, which looks at the experiences of former soldiers who have suffered from stress following their experiences in war (PTSD). Owain Gwynedd, a Stwnsh and sports presenter, will feature in another programme called Iselder: Un Cam ar y Tro, publicly discussing depression and his father's suicide for the first time.

Ant Metcalfe, Time to Change Wales' Programme Manager, said:

"This partnership with S4C is an exciting opportunity to challenge the stigma related to mental illness. It's an opportunity for us to show the people of Wales that little things such as meeting up for a coffee or asking someone how they're feeling can make a big difference to someone who is dealing with a mental health problem - you don't have to be an expert to be a friend."

Llion Iwan, S4C Content Commissioner, said:

"This is a series of programmes that enables the audience to share the experiences of many people who have suffered mental health problems, and learn about how it affects their families as well. This often happens behind closed doors, and sharing experiences can help those who are suffering and enable us, the audience, to learn about what they are facing and appreciate that as well. As a broadcaster, we are pleased that these programmes can contribute to the activities of mental health awareness week."

Everyone can do something as part of the week by starting to talk about mental health with their families or in the workplace. There are some useful suggestions to help you start a conversation on the Time to Change Wales website. You can also show your support by searching for Time to Change Wales online and on Facebook and Twitter to join the online conversation."

Time to Change Wales will be working with S4C to promote the week and will advertise on the channel, as well as using social media, to raise awareness, share the stories of people living with mental health problems and start a conversation.

1 o bob 4
Wednesday 14 May 9.30pm, S4C
English Subtitles

Iselder : Un Cam ar y Tro
Thursday 15 May 9.30pm, S4C
English Subtitles

Cysgod Rhyfel
Sunday 18 May 9:00pm, S4C
English Subtitles

Newyddion 9
Monday to Friday 12-16 May, S4C
English Subtitles

Sunday, 18 May 10:00pm, S4C
English Subtitles


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