
TTCW Champions - tell us what you think!

Time to Change Wales Champions are at the heart of everything we do. That's why we need to know what you think of the campaign so far and how you think it should develop.

1st April 2014, 2.40pm | Written by: Time to Change Wales

Time to Change Wales Champions are at the heart of everything we do.

Champions are people with experience of mental health problems who campaign within communities and workplaces. Champions write blogs, appear in marketing campaigns, deliver Educator sessions, run community projects and most importantly of all, get people talking about mental health.

As a Champion, you are an important part of Time to Change Wales, so we want to know how the campaign has impacted upon your life. To do this, we’ve arranged for a company called Research Marketing Group to carry out an independent survey.

The survey aims to capture your views, to discover what impact Time to Change Wales is having, and to find out whether the campaign is helping you talk about your experiences and challenge stigma and discrimination.

This work feeds into the evaluation of Time to Change Wales as a whole, which is being carried out by the Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (you may have already taken part in this). It is really important for us to survey as many Champions as possible, to get the most accurate picture of how we’re doing and what we can do better. This is your chance to voice your opinion and shape the campaign’s future!

If you agree to take part, you will be contacted according to your preference. You can take the survey over the phone, online or via post, through the medium of Welsh or English. If you have any queries please contact Sara Powys

Any information you provide will be treated as confidential and no information that could lead to the identification of any individual will be disclosed in any reports, or to any other party. Participation in the evaluation is entirely voluntary.

We would like to thank Champions who take part in this survey in advance for taking the time to tell us about your experiences of being involved in the campaign so far. You’re making a real difference – your contribution will help us do even more to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination in the future. 

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