Make the pledge for better mental health
Become part of the solution. Demonstrate your organisation's commitment to challenging mental health stigma and discrimination.
Sign the pledge today.
Tackling mental health discrimination
The Time to Change Wales pledge is a public declaration that your organisation wants to step up and tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.
Is your workplace ready to make a difference?
Why you need to sign the pledge
1 in 6 British workers is affected by mental health problems, including anxiety, depression and stress every year, and 300,00 people lose their jobs due to long-term mental health issues.
Our goal is to end mental health discrimination in Wales. But, to do this, we need your help.
We need employers, like you, to step up to the organisational pledge - helping to break the silence around mental health.
Together, we can normalise mental health and wellbeing, and show acceptance in the workplace.
Benefits for employers may include:
- Establishing your company as an advocate for better mental health
- Less absence, sickness, presenteeism, and associated costs
- Poor mental health costs employers up to £42 billion a year. That equals £1,560 per employee per year.
- Lower staff turnover
- Great communication and disclosure
- Early detection and intervention
- Increased productivity and revenue
92% of pledged employers agree that, since signing the Time to Change Wales mental health pledge, employees have increased awareness of mental health and how to access support within the workplace.
85% of pledged employers agree that line managers feel more equipped to support staff with mental health difficulties.
It's Time to Changes Wales' mental health!
Hear Melin Homes' story
Click play to learn how the pledge has helped Melin Homes, an organisation that has signed up to the Time to Change Wales pledge, shape both its policies and processes, having a positive impact on staff at all levels of the organisation.
Watch the full video:
How do I make a start?
The Time to Change Wales pledge isn't a quality mark, accreditation, or endorsement. There is no test or application. You simply have to commit to taking actions that are realistic and right for you, that will lead to a reduction in discrimination within your organisation and the wider community.
If you are interested in signing the Time to Change Wales Organisational Pledge, you will need to create an employer's account with us. There, you will have access to resources which will help you sign the pledge.
All organisations who want to pledge must also complete an action plan setting out what they are going to do. Time to Change Wales provides resources to help advise you on the action plan but it’s the responsibility of the organisation to deliver it.
Activities that we encourage organisations to consider are:
- Looking at policies and culture to make sure the workplace is supportive of people with mental health problems.
- Running internal anti-stigma campaigns using our materials; inviting our educators to deliver anti-stigma training.
- Promoting the messages externally to people who use your services and the wider community through your communications channels or by running a campaign.
Create an action plan
An action plan a useful way of setting out your goals, or recording your achievements so far. Make sure the activity you plan is realistic and manageable – at the same time it’s good to aim high.
It could be useful to think of all the different roles your organisation has, and the different groups you have contact with. How can you engage these individuals and groups in challenging stigma?
You'll find tips and examples of activities in our action plan guide, which you will have access to when you create your employer's account. When you’re ready, send us your action plan and we will aim to get back to you within 14 days.
Sign the pledge
When your action plan is approved by us, you can sign the pledge.
Stepping up to sign a pledge is a public commitment, so we would like a senior representative from your organisation to publicly sign your pledge certificate/board.
To get maximum impact, we advise that you arrange to sign the pledge at an event your organisation is already planning, such as a board meeting, AGM, conference or launch event.
Put your pledge into action
Next comes the hard work – putting your pledge into action! This is down to your organisation, but we are always here to support you.
Depending on what is in your action plan, we may also be able to put you in touch with organisations that can provide mental health training or other resources.
Don’t forget, you can also find useful information in your employer's account.
Choose your employer champions?
Champions are essential in challenging stigma and changing the way employees think and act about mental health in workplaces. Therefore, naming these key individuals is an important part of implementing your action plan.
They are at the forefront of our fight to make it commonplace for employees to say "I'm struggling", "I'm working too much” or “I need support” in the workplace without the fear of negative consequences.
Here's why other employers signed the Time to Change Wales pledge
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board
Mrs Buckét Cleaning Service
Resources for Employers

Communications Pack
This resource will support you in amplifying the Time to Change Wales message and help you communicate your commitment with the rest of your organisation.
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An introduction to the Time to Change Wales Employer Pledge process
Welcome to our guide on how to fill out your Time to Change Wales Employer Pledge Action Plan.
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Champions in the workplace complete handbook
Champions are essential in challenging stigma and changing the way employees think and act about mental health in workplaces.
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Supporting your champions
We have put this guide together to support you to get the most from your Employee Champions.
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Starting the conversation
This document is aimed at Employee Champions to encourage people to talk about mental health and break down the stigma of mental health in the workplace.
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